Thursday, May 10, 2007


So, when I was in Japan I just remember seeing these people all over the place.

There were these stands on the side of the streets where they'd have these stands set up where sales girls dressed in these poofy vinyl dresses would be walking around selling cellphones, this was one of them.
It was rather strange that it became the norm for these women to be wearing vinyl of all material.. not too comfortable I'd think.

1 comment:

shutz said...

Have you noticed how a lot of people outside the fetish scene tend to confuse PVC/vinyl and Latex clothing? Sometimes, they even lump in patent leather...

Each of these materials behaves differently and looks different (vinyl is less stretchy and tends to crinkle a lot, while latex stretches more and so creates smoother, shinier surfaces) but "lay people" don't seem to know...

Anyway, I thought I'd share the observation...