Sunday, November 26, 2023

Cyber Monday (apparently)

So there's a sale going on at Clips4Sale, so this works for my pay-site as well as any other stores on C4S. I would have posted about this sooner, but I only learned about it just now 😅
Here is how the promotion works: 

Thursday, November 23rd 2023 10:00AM EST
until Tuesday, November 28th 2023 11:59PM EST

UP TO 20% OFF of all clip orders during the
Clips4Sale Black Friday, Cyber Weekend, & Cyber Monday Sale!

$0 - $49.99  = 10% Off
$50 - $99.99 = 15% Off
$100 or More = 20% Off

I also just uploaded my second video in the anima(us) + sable series, A+S:02. I quite liked this one, please look at the preview for free here, click here.However, the video does cost money, it is nearly 16 minutes, but priced at $19.99, since the 2:1 ratio of time to cost seems like a bit much. I also can't say enough how much I enjoyed this video! I look forward to making more 🤞

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Broaching the subject of masking with a partner

 So I've been alluding to this for probably years now, that I'll broach the subject of masking with my partner and perhaps make some content to share. 

I keep finding myself chickening out when brining up the subject of masking with my partner. In the past, shared my masking fetish with a friend that became a semi-brief and semi-complicated romantic relationship. I had a few sexual masking sessions with this person I'll refer to as R. 
R was/is trans, very open to gender play, very open to using prosthetics, etc. I shared pictures of masking with them and they were always very supportive, but when it came to actually playing with them (or having sex) while masked, I could feel that things would suddenly become awkward. 

At this point, R and I had become very close as friends and had also crossed the threshold of being sexual partners (this was years ago). They were a good sport with masking, however it felt more like they tolerated it, rather than enjoyed it. While masked, I started feeling more silly than sexual and from these exchanges, I ended up recognizing that masking was something I would only be doing in private (by myself). Since it felt especially uncomfortable to be so vulnerable with someone to be received in a way where it was clear that they were 'trying their best' to go along with things. 

I was hoping that sharing masking and playing with R would have been an experience that would build up my confidence with masking with others. However, it did quite the opposite. R was never derisive or judgmental of me outwardly, but after our few masking sessions, it felt like our connection became strained and awkward. For various other reasons, we dropped out of touch, but the impression from the experience remained. 

With my current partner, we've had some sexual exchanges where I've been masked, but only while she's been blindfolded. It's only after the fact that I'd let her know I was wearing a mask, to which she seemed to have no response or concern about. I've also told her that I was wearing a mask and she was wearing a head-covering since we were making these videos, therefore it encouraged anonymity. However, I haven't directly stated that masking is an interest of mine and it's getting to a point where I'm very much wanting to make some videos with her while she is wearing a female mask. 

For our videos so far, I feel like I haven't been very up front in basically saying afterwards, "oh yea, I was wearing a mask," but never really stating my interest in masking. I think that if I simply pull out a silicone mask for her to wear and say, "put it on, it'll make you anonymous for a video," it may not be received well. I worry that without proper context that she will take it as me saying/thinking that she is ugly or that I want to sleep with someone else (hence put on a different face). So I don't want to offend her in any way, but it feels like in order to avoid this, I'll need to open up and be vulnerable again. Given my experience with R, I'm somewhat worried about this. 

So I'm curious if others have had experience with introducing masking to their romantic partners? If you have, how did you do it and how did it go? Does your partner participate in masking with you? What are some of the great things and not so great things that go along with it? 


The plan I have now basically falls into a few categories:
1) present the mask and say that it's for one of our videos and that it would be useful to make her anonymous for the xxx clip. 

2) present her mask and my mask (mine is male) and approach it like a fun 'role play' scenario. Probably having an initial show and tell session with her, then later do a full dress-up session + a video (if all goes well). 

3) Sit her down and discuss my interest in masking and history with masks, then gauge interest from there. (this is the option I think is best, but also feel like I'll chicken out and not go through with the conversation). 

I think the hardest obstacle that I face with my partner is that our schedules don't sync up very well. Most of the time we only see each other right when we wake up and are getting ready for work or around 10pm-12am where she's coming home and feverishly eating a very late dinner, then promptly going to sleep. Much of the time at night when she gets home, I'm typically already in bed. 

The ideal share scenario I've been waiting for and hoping for is one where it's not the middle of the night, we're about to become intimate, then I initiate one of these conversations. The few times this has happened, we've typically worn latex and had sex or I wear something and have sex. It's been a very few and far between occasion and when these opportunities arise I think, "ok, we have this conversation and it totally ruins the mood and I miss the chance to have some fetishy sex OR we have some fetishy sex," and in the past I have always chosen the latter. As of now, my basic plan is to wait for this next opportunity and go with one of the options above, based on how the situation feels. But I did want to get a sense of whether anyone reading has had similar experiences and had any tips or suggestions to share? I'm also just open to suggestions in general, so thank you all in advance who comment. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

New video series on C4S

So much to my surprise, clips4sale accepted and allowed me to post a sex video with me and my partner. I was expecting to get blocked in the same way I've been getting blocked on only fans and other sites. So I wasn't anticipating that it would work, I'm also not a huge fan of this first video, it was mostly uploaded to test if it'll work more than something I'm actually proud of. However, a few things about this and more videos that I upload with myself and my partner. 

I gather that our sex/play videos are completely different than the other videos/content I've put up over the years. So I wanted to explain a few things before I'm sharing/uploading more. 
1) A portion of the reason my partner is willing to put these videos online is on some level to make some money from them. Therefore the general structure of the cost of these videos will be 2$ for every 1 minute. We may shift the cost structure some in the future, however videos involving the two of us will generally be more expensive, so that will likely remain a fixed feature. 
2) Sable (my partner) is more inclined toward bondage than anything else, so for the most part, these videos will be more latex/bondage focused. 
3) I understand tonally that these sex/play videos probably better belong on a different site altogether. For now they'll share the C4S site with my other material, but I'll keep poking around online to find a different home for these videos.
4) if Sable and I break up, I plan to pull the videos from the internet, so it's unclear how many will be made or how long they will be up for. (it's not like things are really unstable between us, but we just updated our consent agreement (which I think is partially why these videos were approved for upload) so this was something that was recently discussed).

On a somewhat related topic: does anyone know of any female masks that are particularly small in size? Or at least not male-head sized? 

Saturday, November 11, 2023

The 'scene'

 Hi everyone, trying to keep up with some updates, even without big news or content to share. 

I've been searching around a little on instagram and facebook recently, which ironically has become centers for maskers (which I think is a good thing). But it feels like masking has branched in a few directions and I've also seen lots of comments about how "filters are ruining masking." 

So I just wanted to see what others take is on if and how the masking 'scene' has changed? 

What are your thoughts about "filters" and if they're making a big impact on masking? 

I personally don't have really strong feelings about any of it, since I've been out of the 'scene' for a while and when I was in it, my main motivation was to have female masking representation out on the internet. With the hope of drafting some new interest in masking for the next generation to take on and push into the future. Which in hindsight was sort of a grandiose and unnecessary mission, since I think it would have been fine with or without me.


Personally, I find that filters are a cancer for the masking community. I estimate that 95% of maskers use them, especially newcomers. Thanks to the filter, there is no need for makeup and some use the filters without even bothering to adjust the mask. Some even use the filter to thin their own bodies and make themselves more feminine. They tend to hide their obesity through filters. However, when they do live, without filters, the result is particularly horrible.

In my opinion, I NEVER use filters and I NEVER will. My work is 100% natural and without filter, to the point that I plan to post with the hastag #nofilter or #photoshop.

It’s only my opinion, of course, but for me, a masker who uses a filter, I find that his work no longer has any interest.

Anima -
I can see the frustration with filters more easily now. Maybe I've seen a number of them without even realizing it. I do remember when the "smile" filter came out and suddenly many maskers had smiles on their pictures, which was momentarily interesting, then when I realized what was going on, I found them less interesting. So I suppose I share your viewpoint miss Geraci. I'm personally a big fan of practical effects in movies, so I'd say that this is probably the closest analogy I can use to express a similar sentiment.

However to play devils' advocate; 
I'd say that many maskers, myself included, are ones that mask in isolation, where the joy of masking is split into two categories: the experience of being masked and viewing the content one takes (images and videos). Whether using filters or not, the experience of masking should be fairly similar, if not the same if primarily using a mirror. Although, with filters, it makes the content potentially much more enjoyable or more desirable. 

Masking (for me at least) is an odd thing, where sometimes the experience of masking itself is not particularly exciting/enticing, so my enjoyment of a number of masking sessions has been entirely when going through the images and videos. So for those in this category, at least people using filters can enjoy the content portion of their masking session more. However, I'd say that for others viewing these images/videos, the content is essentially tainted.. but if the person taking the images/videos doesn't mind it, then I don't think it's necessarily a horrible thing (if it's enhancing their personal experience). 

There have always been maskers out there who have been so elated and excited by the masking process, where their joy is real, but their presentation is.. lacking in ways. However, I don't mean to sound critical, I think it's lovely when these maskers share themselves online and at times I've been this masker, so again, no criticism. If you're feeling pretty and having a great masking session and want to snap shots off even when everything isn't perfect, go ahead, we all want to see it! But I would agree, to others when using filters it is a little bit misleading feeling. I also think with all the resources being dumped into AI, this is likely something that's here to stay. 



I've gotta agree with the sentiment of filters and photoshop being a bad thing for masking. Both due to the resasons already mentioned, but also, if you're just gonna manipulate the pixels to look how you want then what was the point of using a mask in the first place? Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose entirely? Why not just just edit the hell out of an unmasked photo, or just use AI to generate what you want?

And don't get me started on the "Chinese beauty filter" that's present on a huge number of videos from China (must be built into a popular app or platform or something), that in my opinion makes most people look worse (huge eyes and a super narrow chin just don't look good to me, I guess) as well as being rather distracting as it occasionally loses face tracking and flickers on and off.

I also refuse to use any filters or do any manipulation (other than basic brightness/contrast and background removal), and all of my photos are exactly what I see in the mirror.

I've also got to admit to being a bit crotchety and old-fashioned about how platforms like FB/IG/whatever-the-kids-use-nowadays treat their users and refuse to ever use them so I have much less exposure to this kind of stuff than most.

I guess if anybody's interested in an anonymous imageboard (4chan-like) site for masking-related stuff, feel free to check out/post on my site.



Thank you for the comment Jess. The more I'm hearing from you all, the more sold I am getting on the photo-manipulation being a bad thing or perhaps a different thing altogether. 
To the end of your imageboard site for masking-related stuff, yes I'd love to check your site out. Can you drop a link in the comments for us? (EDIT) 
So if you're interested in checking out the site Jess is referencing above, please click the "comments" button below this post and click "Jess" written in blue and you'll be taken to the page. 


>Can you drop a link in the comments for us?

Sure. I put it in the URL field for the 'Name/URL' identity option, which should make my name clickable. If that doesn't show up for whatever reason, here's a direct link:

Also, I really need to come up with a better domain name... if anybody's got suggestions for a new name, I'd love to hear it.


Anonymous asked - On a separate subject, where is a good place to connect and meet with other Maskers?

Anima - I'm honestly not really sure. My best guess would be on facebook, instagram, tiktok or reddit. However, I generally don't seek connection with other maskers, or at least I have not for  years. So hopefully some people can chime in here with some better and more specific suggestions.