Saturday, April 19, 2008

Out of town

OOoooooookay, so I thought I'd be able to upload more content, etc. while up here in the mid-west, however the internet in my hotel room isn't working. So I'm stuck in the lobby, where I feel like it'd be totally inappropriate to edit/format/post any of my stuff. So I'm sorry about suggesting that I would, cause I won't be putting anything up until early next week at earliest.

Also, someone mentioned something about larger breast-forms and the femskin.. Well, I haven't used the larger forms in the femskin cause they're so big, it totally makes the suit have a uni-boob. However, I can get an open-cupped bra, which will make it possible for me to wear the larger forms with the femskin. I'm a little afraid that they might rip the suit, so I'm kinda hesitant to buy.

But because my video/content sales have been going pretty well lately, I'll buy one if there are enough responses. So all of you in favor of me getting a bra like that, say 'yay' (as in leave a comment) and I'll consider getting it.


Anonymous said...


but only if you think it's a good idea.

shutz said...


But only if the guy from Femskin tells you it should be ok.

Anonymous said...


However, only if it looks alright. I've seen that uniboob look before and sister it ain't good lookin.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy with how the femskin looks now. But I'm fine with whatever you choose.
I just want more videos!

Anonymous said...

in addition to possibly the larger b-forms, have you considered showing the rear of the femskin more?