Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Ok, so I was supposed to make this post yesterday.
So there are a few things to mention here.

Firstly, Tomb Searcher part 2 is up at my 'other' clip store. You can find the link over on the right.

I've also updated the 'specials' section and updated the 'everything' pack, which is now 28 dollars, but if you were to buy everything individually it would cost you 42 dollars, so it's a decently good deal.

Finally, I've moved most of my stuff into the archive section at the lower right since the $1.50 store was getting pretty cluttered.

to celebrate Black Friday I'm posting up a bunch of pictures taken from a photo-shoot I took a few days ago called "Black & Blue"
If you want to the complete set you can find it over in the $1.50 store.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New FemSkin

New FemSkin available over at

check it out!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Another new video!

You can find it over in my 'other' clip store.

Drunk & Horny

There's also an accompanying photo-set over in the $1.50 store.

Anyway, I'd make a longer post about it, but I've been really sick for the past few days

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Still alive!

I feel like that's my most common post title, just goes to show how busy things have been for me.
Anyway, a brief explanation as to why I've been so inactive in the relatively near future.
I'll also hopefully be posting some new content. I've just been lazy about getting things organized.

In other news, I just purchased a bunch of somewhat uninteresting latex items in hopes of putting together a slightly unique, but overall mundane latex outfit.
You'll understand in a few weeks when everything arrives =P

Oh the suspense!

In the meantime I'll throw you all a bone and put up a random ass picture
(pun intended)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Who am I?

Shutz (and shortly after, CM) guessed it!
Shutz, send me an e-mail at

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Who Am I?

::Day 2::

I'm a fictional character.
You can play with me anytime, just as long as you have a playstation or xbox.

In other news
I put a link up in the 'links' section for my FemSkin e-bay listing.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Femskin on E-bay! and mini-contest of sorts

Welp, I'm selling another femskin.
Click here to be taken directly to the listing

item number: 220304652272


In other news: "Who am I?" contest
So I totally missed my Halloween update =(

To make up for it, and to buy me a little time to get it all ready, I'm going to hold something of a tiny contest.
Anyway, I didn't get the chance to dress up for Halloween, so I'm going to be dressing and taking some pictures and videos in the near future. I have my costume and everything all ready, but I just haven't had the time to put it all on!!

So if you're the first to guess who I'll be dressing as, I'll send you a video or picture/video pack of your choosing (excluding the 'packs' that include more than 1 photo and 1 video set).
Each day I'll be listing one hint, and there's a limit of 1 guess per person per day.

The first hint is:
I'm female.

Who am I?

(you must post your guess as a comment here on this site as well as sending me a corresponding e-mail at with your guess)