Saturday, May 16, 2009

Body Shots

New photo-set featuring a semi-new dressing system, trying to give a better shape and more realism, as always.

About the mask, I'll write more about it soon, in it's defense, it moves well even though it doesn't fit fantastically, which is my fault (my head is big). Anyway, there'll be more about it soon, but in the meantime, here is a picture of just the body =P
(from 'body shots')


Anonymous said...

how can i access these photo galleries on the membership site, on the day you post them?

Anonymous said...

Nice body shape: almost real, but with just enough flaws to look artificial.

As for the mask: did you just order it a bit small? If it's a full custom job they could have based it on a lifecast of your face and a sculpt of a very feminine face made over that -- in theory, anyway: that could get very expensive indeed -- and that would ensure a good fit. But maybe the price was insanely high already and such methods were prohibitively much?