It's been a while, hasn't it?
Anyway, a lot has been going on with me lately. I just finished a job that took the majority of my time this summer, so now that is over, I will hopefully get back to dressing and taking pictures. I actually lost, but recently found my HD camera, so I'll be able to continue producing HQ videos. I'll also be re-posting my 'unnatural' video back to youtube. I just had to take it down for a few weeks for various reasons.
In other news, I'm in a relationship, which is not that abnormal for me I suppose. However, when I told this girl about my latex fetish, she was excited to participate. Thus far I've gotten her in a dress and panties, however I've ordered some leggings and a catsuit (with her consent of course) and I'm awaiting those in the mail later this month. So I'm personally excited about that, however it won't be going online, unfortunately. Perhaps one or two pictures maximum, but there will be no formal photo-shoots or videos of us together, since I tend to keep my x-dressing/masking separate from my love life.
Along with that order for my girlfriend I have ordered a few items for myself, so I'm hoping those arrive shortly. So after I get some new gear, I'll certainly be producing some new pictures and videos.
Over the past month or so I have been ruminating about my latex and masking fetish. I have been having normal sex as well as fetish sex, and a part of me thought that I would no longer have any desire to mask, but I was wrong. I have actually been getting the urge to mask quite a bit, but I just haven't had the time. This summer has also been extremely warm, so purely for discomfort reasons have I not even attempted to dress since my 'unnatural beauty' photo-series. Part of it is that I'm not particularly enamored with any of my masks, I did like the way my silicone mask felt, however it just didn't look right. I like how my femask looks, but I can't see out of it and it's pretty uncomfortable to wear. I think the greyland masks are a good mix of look and comfort, however I've just worn them all far too many times. I kind of wish there was another latex mask out there that rivaled the femask, but unfortunately, female masks are not a very big market. I'm hoping a nice silicone one comes out soon, but we'll all have to wait and see if that ever happens.
Regardless, once the new items I have ordered arrive, I should be putting up pictures again!