Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

and a brief video, enjoy!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Trying out Taylor for the first time (Video)

video of me trying the CreaFX Taylor mask for the first time!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Lin Mask Bonus content

So I posted the original Lin pictures on Flickr and Deviant art well before here, so I wanted to dump a few more pictures from that shoot (below).

Before wearing the mask I repaired the Taylor mask and the kit CreaFX sent worked wonders. If anyone else is having trouble with their mask getting ripped or anything, I'd strongly encourage you to contact them. Also, if you buy the mask and find a tear in it, then you should contact them right away with pictures and a description. They paid for the repair kit because I took the picture and sent it before even trying the mask on, so they took responsibility, I'm not sure how they would react if it came from normal wear and tear.

So with wearing the Lin mask, at first I didn't like it at all. It's a little thicker all the way around, the face looked like there were more contours built into it, which made it seem unflattering. For some reason it just looked more plain than the taylor mask and initially I thought, "well at least I have the Taylor mask." But after wearing it for some time and switching outfits and getting my wig brushed and set, it started to grow on me.

In the coming weeks I should have more pictures and some brief clips popping up where I compare and contrast the masks more.

Lin mask

I was a little slow with putting these up, but after contacting Creafx about the kit, I said that their masks were amazing said I'd be interested in getting their Lin mask as well. They said cause of the issue with the Taylor mask, they'd waive the shipping and ship the Lin mask along with the repair kit at no shipping cost. So I took them up on it and here are the results!