Hi all,
I'm so glad that there are still some people who check my site, even given the extraordinarily irregular update times. I wish I could promise that I would be more regular with my updates, but given my past of saying that and not following through, I won't try to predict when/how I'll be updating.
To the last commenter Mini88:
I understand your situation in your relationship and I wish you luck in the future with your partner or perhaps finding one where you can integrate masking more smoothly, I hope the same for myself!
This year my goals are very pragmatic in that I am hoping to get an additional license that will increase my earning power (some) with my job, upgrade my living situation, and to see how further blending my life with my girlfriend goes. For external reasons it looks like she'll be moving in with me in the near future and I am excited to take another step in our relationship, I am also worried about what that will mean for my personal life and even more so, my fetish/masking life. One of the major reasons I want to upgrade my living situation is so that when we're living together that I can provide a large enough environment for the two of us to have our own private space when we're both home. In an ideal situation this could help me have more time for my fetish, but would also mean that I would need to be more forthcoming about all my interests. Since I would rather her know what I was up to in private, rather than her stumbling across it on her own. This already has been an odd balancing act since we essentially live together and my place is busting with latex and silicone.
In preparation of this transition this year (GF moving in) I am already downgrading my gear. I've prepared a goodwill drop off for some of my vanilla women's clothing and can see in the coming months that I'll be trying to do the same with some of my silicone gear as well.
Dumping old clothes that I don't use anymore doesn't bother me so much, but tossing expensive (often rarely used) silicone items seems like a total waste to me though. So I'm still at least a month away from having a put aside items I would be interested in selling, but wanted to check with the community if people would be interested in this?
My main issue is that I would rather sell these things in person/locally (Washington state), but would be willing to ship them as well. I don't have anything set aside just yet, but am hoping that in the coming months will start listing things. At this time, it'll bring me to the issue of payment and hoping to do it anonymously. I used to have an anonymous paypal account, however that fell apart a decade ago, so I'm unsure now how to do anonymous payments. I would hope that people in the community interested in buying the gear would trust such a payment method, but we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there.
My apologies about not having anything so interesting to report, but I am trying to get a bit more regular with my updates.