Sunday, January 5, 2020

Slowing Down

I've noticed that I've been slowing down some with masking, which is a shame since this is masking season (for the northern hemisphere). I intend to get back on it soon, however I've just had some setbacks that have made it more difficult for me, I've also torn one of my favorite masks and I'm trying to step back a little and figure out new solutions to prevent future tears in the future, but it's going to take me some time to shift things around.

I did buy some new things recently, however I'm worried about tearing more masks, so I'm in a holding pattern for a little while until I can resolve this problem. In the meantime, I've been mascing (male masking) more. I know for many of you, it's not exactly your cup of tea, but when I get my fem stuff back in order, I'll be putting up more feminine goodness :)

Thank you everyone for being patient!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On YouTube Kerry Johnson on the mask podcast shared a tip for adding a zipper to the back of a mask that originally didn’t have... it’s a wonderful mod that can make a mask more easy to remove and the mask look make look more realistic.. I’m hoping I can try it myself one day