Sunday, May 6, 2018

Dance Vlog #2

This is a color-corrected version of the video that I just put up on my youtube channel.

I took this video the day I unboxed the Taylor mask from CreaFX, I was so excited about the fit and the look it made me feel like moving around on film. I didn't post it until now partially because I forgot about it partially because at the time I felt self-conscious and silly about it, but now I don't see the harm.

This was also before I made the pads I have been wearing in my more recent photos, so I'm making due with some tights and a bunch of polyfill, so my shape below the waist is pretty lumpy and unimpressive, which is why it's just the upper-half.

I also made some latex orders recently, but those won't be here for another couple months, so I'll have to get inventive about outfits, but there might be a little bit of a dry-spell in terms of gear/clothes for a little while.

I hope you enjoy the video!

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