Saturday, February 2, 2019

Curvy Girl Photos

In this photo-series I'm focusing mostly on the kitty gloves I'm wearing and the silver latex top. The top I got years and years ago, but only re-discovered it recently. That is why it's not quite as shiny as the rest of the suit. I've noticed that with latex, after about 3-5 years the material starts to degrade and can't get the same shine back as it could before. However, my thicker-gauge latex seems to retains its' shine much longer, but that's not always the case.

I feel kind of so-so about how these pictures turned out. I can't remember what my focus was with this shoot, but I think I got dressed and undressed within 2 hours, so it was a very quick session. I'm starting to think about trying to wear less latex and padding and focus more on getting the mask just right. I've been seeing more of these maskers (mostly from China) that are incredible at blending and making the mask look totally natural, so I would like to try some of what they're doing, but in order to do that I can't get bogged down with all the pads and suit and everything.

Oh, and I also got the booties from goodwill, so they're used/worn-in. The person working the cash register looked at me like I had a penis growing out of my head or I was naked or something, she just seemed horrified. So when picking them up I felt pretty embarrassed, however afterward I got really annoyed with the sales person, since they're job should be to just sell stuff, not make the customers feel like freaks!
However, I must admit these are the most comfortable heels I've ever worn (likely because they're been worn in). Also knowing that someone used them regularly is kind of.. exciting to me, which I guess kind of makes me a freak, maybe that store-clerk was right hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Очень красивое сочетание цветов! Приятно! Спасибо! Я наслаждаюсь.