Sunday, December 3, 2023

Cleaning out old videos and photos (2020)

 This is teaser for a photo series and video (that will be free)

coming soon


Anonymous said...

Hey Anima, just wanting to send you this message to say I’ve been a fan for several years now and really admire what you do.
Just a shout-out to let you know you’ve got support over here in Europe, and I would totally up for supporting financially your work as much as I can 🤗

Anonymous said...

What a positively gorgeous woman.

Anonymous said...

Love it!

Anima said...

Oh my gosh, you all are so sweet! About the financial support, please don't worry about that, I'm self-sufficient financially. The money I've made from the videos and whatnot has all gone into buying latex and masks. However, I have noticed since I've last logged in (and posted) there have been quite a few sales (from clips4sale). So thank you everyone who has been (hopefully) enjoying my videos! Can I add more (parenthesis) in a paragraph?
I'm hoping that within the next week I'll edit together the video that is associated with the image above, and again, it'll be a free one.

Loremio said...

Alright Anima! So looking forward to appreciating them! (By the way, I’m the one who posted the comment on 6/12 at 11:56 AM! I thought it’s nicer to have a name than to be anonymous)

Anima said...

Loremio, thank you for the comment and for coming out of anonymity! I'm glad you're appreciating the content!