Monday, August 6, 2007


Soooooo my ads finally reached 100 dollars... which means it's pay-day!!
Hmmm, I don't know what to get with it... a mask? some article of clothing?!

Anyway, thank you visitors!!

*response to closet:
thank you for the comment. I'm happy that you and presumably others feel that way about me/my site.
However, I also feel like many or most things in my life take priority over my fetish... functionally, yet unfortunately.


Unknown said...

I'd suggest a mask, but then I always like to see new looks on maskers. Always allows for the possibility of masking or unmasking. :)

Do you have access to a video camera or similar, Anima? Be good to see you on YouTube.

Whatever you get I hope you enjoy. I'll keep clicking ads. ;)

Unknown said...

I would say get a new mask Anima. I do think your current one is in need of repair yes? If so, then what better time to get a new mask to replace the older one.
