Saturday, April 13, 2019

Doll Tips: outfits and bodtype

As of lately I have not been practicing the mantra of "dress to your body-type" since I have been trying to work out my base, which is basically being nude. I have my problem areas, but I've been trying to work on them. However, back to the main point, dressing to your body type! there are a million articles online about all this stuff, but what I've noticed for myself is that wearing crop-tops (that show your belly) actually slims the waist and makes my hips look larger. The same can be said about high-rise (pants that fit around your natural waist) help this slimming effect with an emphasis on ones hips. I've also noticed that mesh clothing tends to make the covered area seem slimmer and thinner.

So oddly, showing off one's mid-section actually makes your tummy look smaller. However, if you are thin overall and have less shape, then you don't want to show off the mid-section as much. If I were thinner I'd be showing off my arms, face, and legs mostly. However, given my actual shape (with padding) I try to show off my hips and try to hide my arms/shoulders as much as I can.

Lastly, when one has big hips you do not want to wear tops that run low on the body, it'll just make your body look pear-shaped and wide. Try showing some mid-section and see how it changes the look, I think you'll be happy at what you see!

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