Sunday, April 7, 2019

Rubber Dream: Photos

So I've been away for the better part of the last month, so apart from the video updates I haven't had much time to dress, but I'm back and am hoping to do some more writing and yes, more videos and whatnot will be coming (as always).

This time dressing was interesting because I was trying to pick an outfit for hours, then I finally thought I knew what I wanted to do, but abandoned that outfit, but was already wearing the pads and had latex leggings on. So I ended up squeezing myself into the suit while wearing a layer of latex below, which was extremely difficulty at first. I needed to use lube to get myself into to it, but was a very exciting sensation once I was fully in the suit.

I have mixed feelings about this suit, it's great in most ways, however the neck entry puts a lot of stress on the suit and after this session could see that there was some wear and tear around the neck. It's upsetting to know that the suit has a finite number of wears before it tears and the suit is so expensive, it's hard for me to imagine buying another one! however time will tell how this goes.

On the other hand, it's pretty fantastic feeling once it is all on and there are no zippers or clear entry-points. Definitely a total-enclosurists dream!

I ended up staying dressed like this for about 3 or so hours, however the whole dressing session probably took more 6 hours. It was wonderful being enclosed for so long, it's just unfortunate that wearing this suit always needs to be cut short, since going to the bathroom is made virtually impossible. But I named this series "rubber dream" since it's been a childhood dream to slip into a rubbery girl-suit, so I'm happy that this seemingly impossible dream has so easily become a reality!


Anonymous said...

You look great! What paidfng do you use under the suit?

We've spoken before on the eyung review post. I have the d cup zippered model. I can't imagine the struggle a zipperless suit is because the zippered one is pretty tough for me, even with help lol.

Anonymous said...

could work in a texas cath to help with the bathroom issue