Monday, March 10, 2008

A Story & A Video

So, as you all know, the other night I dressed up.

It was rather strange actually, since at the beginning of the night I felt so exhausted that I didn't at all feel like being bothered with rubbering up. However, there was something inside me that just kept saying, "put it on."

So with some hesitation I wriggled into the femskin. It felt tight and comforting against my skin as I moved around the house. I looked in the mirror and to my delight saw that I am still losing weight and was reminded how odd it is that the only time I look at myself naked is when I'm completely covered. I then squeaked into into my skintight boot-cut latex jeans and new 'mistress' jacket topped off with a rubber choker. I set the area where I would start taking pictures and decided to turn on some music.As most of you already know, I figured I'd dance around for a bit and take a video. However, as the night wound down and the gallons of sweat streamed from every crease in my outfit, I started to get really turned on.It was strange since normally when I dress I don't feel all that aroused (although I normally do get a little worked up while rubbered and masked). Right when I was going to call it a night I knew that I needed to 'satisfy' myself somehow. I started wriggling around under my naturally lubricated silicone skin and these intense waves of pleasure started coming over me. I started to experience these violent tremors and knew that I needed to turn the camera back on, even though all I wanted to do was get off.After a few minutes of rocking back and forth getting closer and closer to climax, I knew that I needed a bit of help. So I took a vibrator, turned it on full-blast, fed it into the neck of the femskin and down into the crotch. Once there the tremors became more apparent and... well, the rest is on video.
You can check it out at my 'other clip store.'I hope you all enjoyed the pictures and the story!


ClosetMonster said...

Feed the vibrator down into the suit....

Now there's something, even I hadn't thought of. ;)


Anonymous said...

Good idea for a movie.
But it would have been nicer to see more of the suit, especially the vagina section.
And maybe in a lying down position, similar to the Stripes video.

Anonymous said...

Whew thanks for getting me all hot and bothered along with ya. :)